Something I’ve been thinking about lately is this, “What’s the why?” Perhaps I should explain a little bit. We all have goals and plans. Stuff we want to do. Maybe it’s a financial goal like becoming a millionaire or getting out of debt. Perhaps it’s a fitness goal like running a marathon. Other goals are about losing weight or a specific job.
Goals are great for people. They give us something to strive for. People have always had goals and marks they want to achieve. If not, we wouldn’t keep record books. We wouldn’t be able to tell you the world record for running a mile or the high jump. These exist because we need a goal to strive for.
Goals are something we all have. Sometimes, though, it’s the why that allows us to achieve the goal or fall short. What do I mean the why? Glad you asked. Just like everyone has goals, everyone has a reason (the why) for wanting to reach that goal. It could be to fit into our clothes better. It could be to have financial freedom to travel or retire early.
Other why’s though are more superficial. The why that says I want to do this so I can score with that hot girl or guy. The why that says I want to show my friends I am better than them. These are the ones that I call superficial. Why? Because more times than not that why will cause you to fail. That will cause you not achieve the goal. The goal is big and achievable. That is if the why is big and achievable. Are you wanting to lose fat to impress someone? Or is it because you don’t want to have a heart attack like your dad did at an early age?
We all have goals. We all have whys? Find your why! Find your reason!