Random Thoughts
August 21st, 2024

Climbing out of a rut

Ok so I've been a rut lately. I can't quite explain it nor the reason why. All I know is that right now I'm not really excited about any area of my life. I take that back. My workouts are going really good as well as tracking my eating. I'm starting to see some progress there. But that's about it.

And I'm pretty sure its 100% me. Nothing is going bad in my life. I'm just not content. I'm not happy. But, there again, I cannot put my finger on what it is. I'm not sure how to fix this or what to do from here. Obviously, if I look at the big picture and try to fix everything at one time, I'm going to say screw it and give up. So I have to tackle this little by little.

So, one thing I started thinking about was a podcast I listened to by Andy Frisella. He talks about his power list. In a nutshell, the power lists is this: he writes down five critical tasks that have to be done that day. That's it.

It's not a todo list. So the tasks are not stuff like brushing your teeth or pick up the milk. Nope. They're tasks that when done will move the needle a little bit forward for you. If you complete all five tasks, you won the day. If you didn't, you lost the day. You start doing this and you build a culture of winning around your life.

Fast forward to today. I think this is how I'm going to tackle my "in a rut" problem. I've started carrying a Field Notes book with me everywhere (trying to use it instead of mindless scrolling through my phone all the time). I think its time to start implementing this power list for myself. Something that I can cross off and move the needle forward. Hopefully, by doing this, over a period of time I'll be able to look back and see areas in my life that are better and I feel good about.