Random Thoughts
March 2nd, 2024

Busy, busy, busy....

There are several times throughout the year that are extremely busy for me. The fall is one of those. Broadcasting college volleyball and football as well as high school football has me running around most weeks.

Another one is around the end of February and the beginning of March. High school basketball playoffs start and I broadcast them on the radio. That's Tuesdays and Fridays for two to three weeks. Again, factor in college basketball broadcasts and I'm all over the place. That's going to end this week, though. High school (for me) wrapped up last night and I only have a couple more college broadcasts to do for this season.

High school softball and baseball playoffs will be broadcast as well but that won't be for a couple more months. That means I have a little bit of time to relax and get some other stuff done that needs to get done.